Agence web talonX Creative Agency

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talonX Creative Agency

talonX Creative Agency | Our ragtag team is composed of eccentric designers, nerdy developers and inventive creatives. What glues us together is mutual love of creating cool things in the digital world. We come from different countries, different languages and different educations. We live by three principles; clean, modern and professional. With offices in Calgary, Chicago and Berlin, we’ve sown our design seeds across the globe. While we grow, adapt and change, only a few things remain constant; our dedication to quality, and our desire to change the world with revolutionary design. We firmly believe that good design starts with why and that’s the question we start every project with -- "why?". We take pride in creating beautiful things! We're known to do some cool webby things with some computerish stuff. From branding, marketing and advertising to websites, graphic design and animation we keep humming away on the important things in life while consuming large quantities of caffeinated beverages.

Ville: Calgary
Province: Alberta
